All services offered by Bernicia Spiritual Medium are for entertainment purposes only and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of a reading or other service.
You must be over 18 years of age to use our services.
Your reading is subject to your own personal interpretation.
The information contained within your reading should at no time be regarded as legal, psychological, medical, business, or financial fact.
Any actions or decisions taken by you, the client, as a result of your reading, are solely your choice and your responsibility. Bernicia Spiritual Medium accepts no responsibilIty for your own choices and actions made..
PRIVACY POLICY Unless you request otherwise, we will only use your email address for the purposes of our own marketing (e.g. mailing of a monthly newsletter/detail of promotions). An unsubscribe option will always be available to you, as will the ability to amend your preferences..
We will not under any circumstances whatsoever pass on or sell any of your personal data to any third party.
LINKS to Other Sites - < > may contain links to enable you to visit other websites of interest easily. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should be aware that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information, which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.
CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY - Bernicia Spiritual Medium respects all of our clients as individuals and therefore, we will conduct our business as confidentially as possible.
Our client list will not be divulged to members of the public or other companies, other than regulatory bodies, this includes the Police and all other official bodies and we will not confirm or deny appointments to anyone.
However, if it becomes apparent that we are in a position of compromise any way we will divulge, without hesitation, all relevant information and assist with regulatory bodies, this includes the Police and all other official bodies.
We reserve the right to use our discretion to contact the Emergency Services, Health Professionals or the Police should we feel it necessary to do so in the case of client crisis.
REFUNDS AND NON-PAYMENT 1. If you feel your reader is not making a connection with yourself, then you must say within the first 5 minutes of the reading. You will then not be charged for your reading. 2. You will be charged on a pro-rata basis for your reading time including and over 5 minutes should you, the Client, not wish to continue at any point with your reading after the above stated 5 minutes. 3. Refunds will not be offered should you not receive the outcome you wanted or feel dissatified after your appointment time has elapsed. It is considered at this stage you will need to pay for the readers time and energy used for your reading.
COMPLAiNTS Should you be dissatisfied at any time with any of the services provided by Bernicia Spiritual Medium, please put your concerns in writing to: [email protected]